Just for Black Friday, we're doubling our prices

Black Friday.

Everyone's throwing out coupon codes with crazy discounts, right? Why on earth would we be doubling our price for just that day?

$price === $value

For many online services, Black Friday is a huge source of income. Webshops reportedly double or even triple their revenue that day. Many make up for a bad month in just that single day.

On your most important sales day of the year, you want your site to be online. Therefore, on that day, our service is twice as valuable.

You see, when we first built Oh Dear!, it was to fix what we considered to be wrong with the current monitoring solutions out there. Many of them just did one check (mostly the homepage). Many didn't report certificate errors. Nearly no one was crazy enough to crawl an entire site and report all broken pages.

Yet, in order to be a succesfull online business, you need all of that.

Wait, you're serious?

Of course we are. ;-)

You can't afford downtime when you're in peak sales. You want to be certain about your uptime and place your trust in a respected monitoring provider. So that's what we'll do on Black Friday: take care of monitoring your sites, 24/7.

Now, if you want to be absolutely certain you're online, you could go ahead and subscribe to Oh Dear! in advance. If you use coupon code BLACKFRIDAY18 before Black Friday, you'll get 30% off your first month.

The code expires on Thursday, November 22nd at midnight.

Oh by the way, we're only doubling our prices on Black Friday, not permanently. We're not actually crazy, you know. :-)

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