Our broken links check now highlights application errors

One of the unique features of Oh Dear is that we crawl your entire site and report any broken links.

Our broken links report had two main categories:

  • external broken links: these are links on your site that point towards a page on another site
  • internal broken links: these are links on your site that point towards a non-existing page on your own site

In both categories, the problem is caused by something related to the site's content. In most cases, a page you're linking to was removed or archived. The solution is often letting the content manager of the site fix this.

Today, we're introducing a third category in our report: internal broken links that resulted in a 5xx status code. This 5xx range of status codes signifies that the URL is correct but that the application could not respond appropriately because of an internal error. In most cases, this problem should be solved by a developer.

Because page visits that result in a 5xx response are more noteworthy, we decided to put these on top of our report.

Here's what our broken links report now looks like.

We hope that you like this little addition to our UI. It might not be a revolutionary feature, but getting many of these small details right can make a big difference.

If you're not using Oh Dear to monitor your site, now's the perfect time to get started. We monitor uptime, SSL certificates, broken links, scheduled tasks, application health, DNS, domain expiry and more. We send notifications when something's wrong. All that paired with a developer friendly API and kick-ass documentation.

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