Status pages can now be displayed in multiple languages

In addition to performing various checks to monitor your site, Oh Dear also offers beautiful status pages. Status pages can now use multiple languages. Using these status pages, you can inform your audience about the status of your service. Here's the beautiful Oh Dear powered status page of the Laravel team.

Some of our users have a global, multi-lingual audience. That's why we now added support for a status page to be displayed in multiple languages.

If you want to translate your status page, all you need to do is activate some of the languages at the new "Languages" screen on your status page.

As soon as a status page has more than one active language, it will display a drop down where a visitor can select a language.

Of course, you can also add a message in multiple languages on your status page. When multiple languages are activated for a status page, you'll see a language dropdown when creating an update. This will allow you to add a translation for the new update in any language your status page supports.

We hope that you like this new feature.

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