Docs/Status pages

Add your logo and favicon to your status page

You can add your own logo to the top of your Oh Dear status page. On this page we'll share some details and tips on how to make good use of your logo.

Logo sizes

When a logo gets uploaded through your status page settings, it will automatically be resized to 270px height. The width is calculated dynamically.

If the image is smaller than 270px height, we won't resize it.

On the status page itself, the logo will be displayed with a fixed height of 90px.

By uploading the image with a higher resolution than it's being displayed at, users on a high-pixel/hd retina display will get the best looking version of your logo.

You are advised to upload an image with at least 270px height. Otherwise, it runs the risk of looking blurry or pixelated.

Logo design tips

You can modify the background color of the status page to match your brand. On top of this, you could tweak the background color of your logo to match the background of the page, to let it blend in.

ohdear tool index

By default, our status pages have a white background. If you upload a logo with a white background, it will look like it's a natural fit.

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